D.J. MacCormick Contractors is a leading micro tunnelling & infrastructure construction company. Our specialist team of personnel have over 40 years experience and a reputation for excellence, substantiated by its numerous awards Australia wide and internationally.

Our leadership team has years of experience, including from executive roles with D.J. and M.B. Mac Cormick Civil Engineering, which was first established in Perth in 1974. The company has staff based in offices in Perth (Head office), Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne.The company offers a complete range of engineering & construction services across the Tunnelling, Civil Construction, Resources & Utility sectors.

Our long presence in the industry is confirmation of our determination and commitment to achieve excellence on every project. Our company takes pride in working both for private and Government sector projects and delivering a quality end service and product with long term value for our clients.

Whatever location, contractual arrangement and challenges, D.J. MacCormick Contractors aims to consistently deliver a safe, high quality and cost effective product on time and to budget.

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